Summer 2025: Apply by Monday 30th September and Save £600
Summer 2025: Apply by 30th Sep and Save £600
Summer 2025: Apply by 30th Sep and Save £600

Day Three: Leadership, Scavenger Hunt and SABRE

After a fun filled day at Hampton Court and an evening exploring essential university skills, such as revision technique and academic writing, the Reach Cambridge ‘working week’ got under way in style today. However, there were no Monday morning blues as the students experienced their first Leadership session. Negotiation, communication and cooperation was essential as…
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Michelle from the July 2014 summer program talks about her experience…

Living in Hong Kong, an international community, I was already very much exposed to a variety of different cultures and believed that I had a brief understanding of them. Coming to Reach and being here for the past few weeks has made me realise that there was more to them than I initially thought. This…
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Day 19: Harry Potter, Sabre Day and Talent Show

It is hard to imagine a day with more fun things packed into it! Friday began with final classes of the course – for the law students, this meant the mock trial they had been busy preparing. But this was no ordinary trial – Severus Snape was being tried for the murder of Albus Dumbledore,…
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Day 11: SABRE Promises Auction

The Reach Cambridge Summer School for July has just passed the halfway mark and spirits are on a high! Some poor weather persisting throughout the day threatened to dampen our progress, however, rain or shine there is always lots to do here in Cambridge. With the outdoor sporting activities having to be cancelled they were replaced…
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Day 9: Fête of Fun!

Monday brought sunshine, bicycles, a field of fun and a miniature world cup tournament. The day started off with the tour de France zooming through Cambridge, the cyclists passing through...
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Reach Cambridge and the Sabre Charitable Trust

For five years Reach Cambridge students have been working with the Sabre Trust, a charity which does amazing work improving education in rural Ghana. It has been wonderful to see our students, in both July and August, really get behind this cause. Here is a little bit about what our August group have been doing…
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