Summer 2025: Apply by Sunday 15th September and Save £650
Summer 2025: Apply by 15th Sep and Save £650
Summer 2025: Apply by 15th Sep and Save £650

Do you cater for students with disabilities?

Reach Cambridge aims to provide a suitable environment to meet each student’s individual needs taking into account the resources available and the physical restraints we work within. All students have the opportunity to define their own special needs, difficulties and disabilities at registration. Reach Cambridge, in conjunction with the colleges, will make best efforts to…
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Where do students come from?

Our programs are open to all international students and we usually welcome students from over 50 different countries. Although students taking different subject courses will be engaged in different ways at points during the day, we bring students from all courses together on a daily basis for activities, excursions, lectures and workshops. We take great…
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Do I need to bring a friend?

There is no need to bring a friend. In fact, sometimes students find it easier to make new friends when they attend alone. If you would like to attend with a friend or a relative, it is always nice to have a familiar face around the campus. Either way, the social activities, the structure of…
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Will my religious commitments be catered for?

Reach Cambridge welcomes students of all faiths. We make the effort to cater for individual needs, and the most expedient course is for students to advise us of their specific needs ahead of time. We prefer that students attend religious services out of class times and so schedule classes and compulsory activities so as to…
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Where will I live?

Reach Cambridge students experience a real taste of student living in one of the world’s most famous and historic university cities. All students reside in college accommodation of one of the 31 colleges that make up the University of Cambridge. Students are accommodated in same-sex dormitories of single or shared rooms. All students have access…
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Does every student have their own room?

All students will be accommodated in either a single or shared room. Single rooms are only guaranteed by paying for the Single Room Guarantee; please note that this does not constitute a room upgrade – all rooms are standard student accommodation with shared bathrooms.
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Do I get to choose the person I share a room with?

All students will be accommodated in either a single room or shared room. Reach Cambridge cannot guarantee any shared rooming requests but we will do our best to accommodate them where possible. Only requests submitted via the student’s online account in the rooming request section will be considered; phone call and email requests to Reach…
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Are boys and girls housed separately?

Yes. We assign girls and boys to separate staircases or floors, each with a resident supervisor. These supervisors are available 24 hours a day. There is a curfew and at this time, students must sign in with their supervisor and remain on their floor until 7am the following morning.
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