Where Are They Now square

Where Are They Now? – Alvaro

Five years ago, I had my own Reach Cambridge experience as a Medicine and Life Sciences student. I was coming from Belgium and I had always wanted to visit Cambridge and the United Kingdom, because I had heard a lot about the universities there, but I never imagined I would find myself studying there.

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Cambridge University: founder of the modern English Literature course

In the early decades of the twentieth century, if you had asked the librarian of Gonville and Caius College, Cambridge, if the library had any novels, he would have looked at you, puzzled, and then said, “Novels? What are those? The things people read on trains?” It is hard to imagine Cambridge University not taking…
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The Spies of Cambridge

Among Cambridge students, there exists a rumour... A rumour that, one day, you may be walking about your business - perhaps down a scenic backstreet, or along the famous King's...
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