QUICK! Final places remaining for summer 2024! APPLY NOW
QUICK! Final places remaining for summer 2024! APPLY NOW
QUICK! Final places remaining for summer 2024! APPLY NOW

Reach Cambridge team visit Singapore

Singapore is a fascinating country. Despite covering an area less than half the size of London, it has a vibrancy and dynamism to match any other advanced nation. With cutting-edge businesses, world-class shopping malls and an incredibly high-performing education system, Singapore is always an interesting place to visit. I went to Singapore with Jenny, Reach’s…
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The Great North American Road Trip

Each year, the staff team from Reach Cambridge summer programs are lucky enough to travel the globe, visiting schools all over the world to tell students and teachers about the amazing summer school experience we offer. These trips are a real highlight for us – not only do they enable us to see a whole…
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The River Cam

It is difficult to think of Cambridge without picturing the River Cam – images of the colleges across the Backs, of students punting along the water, or rowers practicing at high speed are all immediately recognizable as part of the Cambridge experience. The Cam is a special river, not least because, unusually, it is named…
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