Summer 2019: Program 1 – Day 12

The last day of Program 1 at Reach Cambridge was bittersweet. It has been a truly amazing two weeks and it’s been sad saying goodbye to the students we have gotten to know so well over the last few weeks. The day kicked off with the last morning of classes, culminating in the presentation of…
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Summer 2019: Program 1 – Day 11

Today was a big day, full of loads of fun activities and some bonding between students and staff, in the run up to departure day. It’s hard to believe we’re nearing the end of Program 1! Yesterday, students Maggie, Emma and Katherine decided to witness some thespian talent in King’s College Fellows Garden. The Cambridge Shakespeare…
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Summer 2019: Program 1 – Day 10

We’re halfway through Week 2 of Program 1 and from a supervisor’s perspective, things have been going really well so far. It’s clear that the students have made lots of great relationships within their classes and through the various evening activities that have been running. Today we had a karaoke night which turned into a dance rehearsal/samba session! It…
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Summer 2019: Program 1 – Day 9

Today was yet another incredibly exciting and busy day for the students here at Reach Cambridge. After a fun-filled day yesterday – highlights included a thought-provoking talk about masculinity in the 21st century and a spooky ghost tour through the colleges of Cambridge – students were treated to a range of sporting and educational activities….
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Summer 2019: Program 1 – Day 8

Today started for the Reach students with a well-deserved lie-in, following a weekend when they had the chance to explore the city of London with its rich history and numerous curiosities. However, for those studying Law and Engineering, the London-based adventures did not stop here. The Engineering students went to the Barbican, where they viewed an exhibit…
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Summer 2019: Program 1 – Day 7

Reachers across Cambridge were excited to wake up bright and early this morning to kick off our much-anticipated second trip to London. With the sun shining brightly and balmy temperatures predicted for the day, tiredness from the previous day’s excursion was quickly forgotten, as the bus journey provided plenty of opportunity for napping! First stop…
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Summer 2019: Program 1 – Day 6

Despite it only feeling like five minutes ago since Reach Summer 2019 began, our excursion weekend has already begun.  The last week has been filled with fun, activities and learning, but it’s also been hard work, so everyone was in need of some adventure.  As usual on excursions, it was an early morning after which…
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Summer 2019: Program 1 – Day 5

Things are heating up with the Ice v Fire competition! Classes were wrapped up for the week with some fun Friday activities: a speech-writing competition in the ESL class on the theme of dreams; the Engineering class making wind-powered Lego cars; the Computer Science students were programming robots to draw shapes; and the Medics had an…
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Summer 2019: Program 1 – Day 3

The fun never stops at Reach Cambridge – today was as busy as ever! Some of our Taster course students were lucky enough to experience a trip to the historic University of Oxford, where they briefly sampled the life of an undergraduate at the only university in the UK older than Cambridge! The friendly…
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Summer 2019: Program 1 – Day 3

The fun never stops at Reach Cambridge – today was as busy as ever! Some of our Taster course students were lucky enough to experience a trip to the historic University of Oxford, where they briefly sampled the life of an undergraduate at the only university in the UK older than Cambridge! The friendly…
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Summer 2019: Program 1 – Day 3

The fun never stops at Reach Cambridge – today was as busy as ever! Some of our Taster course students were lucky enough to experience a trip to the historic University of Oxford, where they briefly sampled the life of an undergraduate at the only university in the UK older than Cambridge! The friendly…
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