Where Are They Now square

Where Are They Now? – Alvaro

Five years ago, I had my own Reach Cambridge experience as a Medicine and Life Sciences student. I was coming from Belgium and I had always wanted to visit Cambridge and the United Kingdom, because I had heard a lot about the universities there, but I never imagined I would find myself studying there.

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Where Are They Now?: ‘Reach prepared me for university life’

Beatriz is a Reach Cambridge Alumna 2014. She is now studying at a top-ranking UK university. Her story is especially worth reading for anyone who isn’t sure yet what subject they want to devote their time to studying… What to Study? Four summers ago I attended Reach Cambridge, where I studied Psychology for three weeks….
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Where Are They Now?: ‘Reach Cambridge was the perfect place to be’

Continuing our 'Where are Reach Cambridge alumni now' series, we hear from Tim, now a student of Philosophy and Economics at the University of Manchester, one of the UK's top...
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Where Are They Now?: ‘I honestly could not have done it without my Reach Cambridge experience’

In the first of our ‘Where are Reach Cambridge alumni now’ series, we hear from Alvaro, now a Masters student at a top UK university! Alvaro’s Reach Cambridge Summers (Plural!) Five years ago, I had my own Reach Cambridge experience as a Medicine and Life Sciences student. I was coming from Belgium and I had…
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