WEATHERWATCH: Summer is coming to Cambridge!

Greetings from Cambridge! It’s been a most unusual year in terms of the weather here in Cambridge!  We have had an extremely LONG winter, with freezing cold temperatures lasting into March, the to-be-expected April showers, and an unusually gloomy May! At a time of year when people are usually bringing their sunglasses, umbrellas, winter coats,…
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5 Reasons why Cambridge is awesome in the summer!

Summer in England is amazing, summer in Cambridge is even better! Here’s 5 reasons why: You can go punting along the river Cam and see the colleges in all their beauty You can join in with the world famous Reach Cambridge Olympics and international football tournament – all ages & levels welcome! You can relax…
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Drama fun!

At Reach Cambridge, the amazing team of supervisors plan a whole load of exciting activities for the students to take part in after their classes. Drama is just one of the activities available to Reach students. Wondering what this involves? Well you’re in the right place! Here’s what happened in one of our drama sessions…
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The New Year Showdown: London v. Edinburgh!

So, Christmas is over, copious amounts of food have been eaten, you’ve said goodbye to the family and they’ve stopped showing Elf on television every day. But fear not because...
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A Royal Visit!

Today the whole of Cambridge (including some very excited Reach staff!) gathered in Market Square waving their flags to welcome Prince William and Kate Middleton on their first visit to...
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Summer School Disco

While I was a student at Cambridge University, I often wondered what happened to the city when the students left over the summer. So many of the buildings in the centre of town are owned by colleges, with students living in every nook and cranny – I imagined that when they left over the vacation,…
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Cambridge Olympic Torch!

Lots of exciting things have been happening in England recently – the Royal Wedding, the Olympics, the Jubilee! And this means that some really exciting things have been happening in Cambridge – Prince William and Kate became the Duke and Duchess of Cambridge, and during the Reach July course, the Olympic Torch came to Cambridge….
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Trip to Greenwich and seeing the Olympic Torch!

Team Greenwich had a fun day in London Town admiring the many sights from a relaxing boat cruise down the Thames! We dodged (most of!) the rain and had a great time looking round Greenwich and the National Maritime Museum. We also explored the Southbank with some people watching the various performances along the riverbank,…
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Sabre Charity Update!

On Tuesday we, the community outreach team students, met in the lecture theatre for our first meeting, the aim of which was to introduce ourselves and come up with some...
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Community Outreach 2012 – Introducing the Sabre Trust

Wow! This week has flown by with some amazing activities such as a visit to Anglesey Abbey, drama workshops and lots of sport as well as excursions to London and Brighton – look out for more info and some fun photos to come right here on the blog! The students have also had a chance…
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