Summer 2025: Apply by Saturday 31st August and Save £700
Summer 2025: Apply by 31st Aug and Save £700
Summer 2025: Apply by 31st Aug and Save £700

Community Outreach: working with the SABRE Charitable Trust

Every summer, a number of Reach Cambridge students sign up to take part in our Community Outreach program. This is a great chance to learn valuable skills in teamwork and project management through charitable work. Every summer we are amazed by the Community Outreach students: their dedication and hard work encourages all of the students…
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Cambridge: the film set

The film The Theory of Everything is about to be released worldwide and tipped to be an Oscar-winning success. It is based on the life of Stephen Hawking, the world-famous theoretical physicist, who studied at Cambridge University, and continues to teach at the Department of Applied Mathematics and Theoretical Physics. Cambridge, then, has a large…
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The River Cam

It is difficult to think of Cambridge without picturing the River Cam – images of the colleges across the Backs, of students punting along the water, or rowers practicing at high speed are all immediately recognizable as part of the Cambridge experience. The Cam is a special river, not least because, unusually, it is named…
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Day 20: The Talent Show from a student’s perspective, Hwa Chong Institution, Singapore

Confessions of a Dance Instructor: My Experience preparing for the Talent Show at Reach When we’d first heard that we’d all be getting a chance to put up a performance over the course of the REACH Cambridge program, most of my schoolmates had grimaced, a definite look of resignation on their faces. Some had blanched…
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Day 19: The Bronte Parsonage Museum from a student’s perspective, Hwa Chong Institution, Singapore

Bacon and eggs again. Later, an olde house upon a recluse hillside a galaxy away. Well, at least the air is warm with the glorious blaze of the sun. Across the globe however, the same flame-ball never fails to set alight my country Singapore. Seems like today is a miraculous, even mix of invisible snow…
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Day 17: English Literature students from The Cathedral and John Connon School

The start of the week saw us return to our regular schedules after a wonderfully exhausting and gratifying weekend. The English class tried their hand at imagist poetry and attempted to analyse the complex works of T.S. Eliot, famed for his distinctive use of different poetic forms within singular works. This involved interesting exercises such…
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Day 16: Stratford-upon-Avon and Warwick Castle

Hurricane Bertha may have greeted us with a fond good morning as the songbirds woke the students at the Reach Cambridge camp, but in typical British fashion we showed that a little rain was not going to be allowed to ruin the fun. So, as the rain lashed against the coach and we all attempted…
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Day 15: Blenheim Palace and Oxford

Saturday saw early starts, bus rides and fun in abundance, as the students and supervisors explored Blenheim Palace. The home of the Duke and Duchess of Marlborough and birthplace of Sir Winston Churchill, Blenheim Palace is a delightful stately palace surrounded by spectacular gardens. After a guided tour of the Palace ROOMS the students enjoyed…
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