Residential study programs for 14-18 year olds in Cambridge, UK.
Bacon and eggs again. Later, an olde house upon a recluse hillside a galaxy away. Well, at least the air is warm with the glorious blaze of the sun. Across the globe however, the same flame-ball never fails to set alight my country Singapore. Seems like today is a miraculous, even mix of invisible snow…
Read MoreDay 17: English Literature students from The Cathedral and John Connon School
The start of the week saw us return to our regular schedules after a wonderfully exhausting and gratifying weekend. The English class tried their hand at imagist poetry and attempted to analyse the complex works of T.S. Eliot, famed for his distinctive use of different poetic forms within singular works. This involved interesting exercises such…
Read MoreDay 16: Stratford-upon-Avon and Warwick Castle
Hurricane Bertha may have greeted us with a fond good morning as the songbirds woke the students at the Reach Cambridge camp, but in typical British fashion we showed that a little rain was not going to be allowed to ruin the fun. So, as the rain lashed against the coach and we all attempted…
Read MoreDay 15: Blenheim Palace and Oxford
Saturday saw early starts, bus rides and fun in abundance, as the students and supervisors explored Blenheim Palace. The home of the Duke and Duchess of Marlborough and birthplace of Sir Winston Churchill, Blenheim Palace is a delightful stately palace surrounded by spectacular gardens. After a guided tour of the Palace ROOMS the students enjoyed…
Read MoreDay 13: Ghost tour
The students are now four days into their subject specific classes and its fantastic to see how engaged they seem in their chosen studies. Some of our aspiring scientists enjoyed extracting and examining the DNA from a kiwi using complicated equipment that I wouldn’t have a clue how to use! Some of the other classes…
Read MoreDay 12: Uni Advance
The Reach rollercoaster of fun continued to power along as we moved into Wednesday, and the midpoint of the August course. There were yet more punting trips-this time providing a well-earned break for our visiting schoolteachers- and the lessons are flying by with yet more experiments, debates, and practical exercises. The halfway point was also…
Read MoreDay Ten: Subject classes, punting and Cambridge tours
Today was another hectic one at Reach; the students had their first day of subject lessons as well as a chauffeured punt on the Cam and an historical tour of Cambridge. The supervisors were on hand to shepherd students from three colleges to their classes, split between Trinity Hall, Downing College and the Geography department….
Read MoreDay Eight: Ely
It is always a pleasure accompanying students on excursions, but I have been looking forward to this trip more than any other. Despite living in Cambridge for four years, I never made it to Ely, a nearby city with one of the country’s most beautiful cathedrals. Once e went inside for our tour, it was…
Read MoreDay Seven: Community Outreach
All week, the Global Leaders students have been taking part in the Community Outreach program. We work with the charity SABRE, an education charity working in rural Ghana to build schools and train teachers. After hearing about the charity at the beginning of the week, the students have been planning ways to fundraise, which culminated…
Read MoreDay Five: CV/ interview practice and summer school disco
Not often do you wake up, have breakfast, then find yourself a few minutes later in a rounders game! However, that’s how day five started for some of us. At 9am, I took half the students with supervisors Billy and Lewis to the Downing Paddock where we set up a game of rounders, initially, supervisors…
Read MoreDay Four: Punting
I’m Billy and this is my first time as a Reach supervisor and my first ever blog post! The weather has been glorious in Cambridge today and everyone has had a really great day. The students had lessons in either physics or economics today and came back really enthused. They were even able to use their…
Read MoreDay Three: Leadership, Scavenger Hunt and SABRE
After a fun filled day at Hampton Court and an evening exploring essential university skills, such as revision technique and academic writing, the Reach Cambridge ‘working week’ got under way in style today. However, there were no Monday morning blues as the students experienced their first Leadership session. Negotiation, communication and cooperation was essential as…
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