Summer 2025: Apply by Monday 30th September and Save £600
Summer 2025: Apply by 30th Sep and Save £600
Summer 2025: Apply by 30th Sep and Save £600

Day 11: World Fair

Today was another busy day in the Reach diary. The students attended lessons as normal in the morning, before making their way to Downing College for the group photograph! The Biotechnology class took part in a laboratory experiment in the afternoon that involved them isolating a gene commonly found in jellyfish. The gene enables the…
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Day Ten: Subject classes, punting and Cambridge tours

Today was another hectic one at Reach; the students had their first day of subject lessons as well as a chauffeured punt on the Cam and an historical tour of Cambridge. The supervisors were on hand to shepherd students from three colleges to their classes, split between Trinity Hall, Downing College and the Geography department….
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Day Five: CV/ interview practice and summer school disco

Not often do you wake up, have breakfast, then find yourself a few minutes later in a rounders game! However, that’s how day five started for some of us. At 9am, I took half the students with supervisors Billy and Lewis to the Downing Paddock where we set up a game of rounders, initially, supervisors…
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Day Three: Leadership, Scavenger Hunt and SABRE

After a fun filled day at Hampton Court and an evening exploring essential university skills, such as revision technique and academic writing, the Reach Cambridge ‘working week’ got under way in style today. However, there were no Monday morning blues as the students experienced their first Leadership session. Negotiation, communication and cooperation was essential as…
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August Program Day One: Arrival Day

It’s the beginning of our August summer program, and the start of our daily blogs from the summer school! Check in each day to find out how classes are going, what activities the students have been up to, and where the excursions have taken us Today was arrival day for the students who will be joining…
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Day 19: Harry Potter, Sabre Day and Talent Show

It is hard to imagine a day with more fun things packed into it! Friday began with final classes of the course – for the law students, this meant the mock trial they had been busy preparing. But this was no ordinary trial – Severus Snape was being tried for the murder of Albus Dumbledore,…
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Day 11: SABRE Promises Auction

The Reach Cambridge Summer School for July has just passed the halfway mark and spirits are on a high! Some poor weather persisting throughout the day threatened to dampen our progress, however, rain or shine there is always lots to do here in Cambridge. With the outdoor sporting activities having to be cancelled they were replaced…
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Day 8: Tour de France

Today we were lucky enough to experience a once in a lifetime opportunity – the famous Tour de France passed through the centre of Cambridge, and all of the students were released from class for the day to watch! The centre of Cambridge had been decorated with bunting and bicycles, and lots of the shops…
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