Summer 2025: Apply by Monday 30th September and Save £600
Summer 2025: Apply by 30th Sep and Save £600
Summer 2025: Apply by 30th Sep and Save £600
Community Outreach

Spring Program: Day 11

Another amazing day in Cambridge for all of us! The morning started off with a scrumptious traditional cooked breakfast at Cote Brasserie followed by a great Community Outreach session run by Katie from Sabre ( a charity dedicated to building a brighter future for school children in Ghana. We have worked with Sabre for many…
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Spring Program: Day 10

Today was the ‘subject-specific’ day in Reach Hall, where students were divided up according to the subjects they elected to study during their time with us. For some of the students, this was their second full day immersing themselves in their subjects. For those who joined us on Saturday, this was their first experience of…
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Spring Program: Day 9

What a glorious day it has been! Spring is in full bloom and the atmosphere in Cambridge has been magical. We started our day with breakfast in Reach Hall. We then all walked into town to begin our Treasure Hunt. We split into 4 groups, Red, Yellow, Blue & Green. We were all given a…
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Cambridge colleges

Spring Program: Day 8

Sadly, we said goodbye to five of our students this morning. We will miss them greatly but hope that they carry their happy memories of Reach back home with them.  However, we are very pleased to have six more students joining us from a variety of different countries and continents!  They will join the students from Week…
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Hard at work

Spring Program: Day 7

How is it the end of Week 1 already?! It was yet another jam-packed day for the Reach Spring students; and, for some of them, their last day on the Reach Spring program. The day’s classes were on the theme of ethical leadership. In the morning, the students considered the interplay between ethics
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