Summer 2025: Apply by Monday 30th September and Save £600
Summer 2025: Apply by 30th Sep and Save £600
Summer 2025: Apply by 30th Sep and Save £600

Spring 2018: Day 9

The students were up early again today, and after a continental breakfast they headed off to their subject-specific classes. In medicine, the students explored sensory perception with their specialist tutor. After studying the theory, students experienced ‘The Third Hand Illusion’. In this experiment, a prosthetic arm was placed next to the real right-hand arm. A…
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Spring 2018: Day 8

As our students are all well and truly settled in to life at Reach having spent yesterday bonding and getting to know each other, today was the perfect day to take them on their second official excursion. This morning, we headed off to the beautiful local town of Ely. Just a 10 minute train ride…
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Spring 2018: Day 7

  Last night’s end of week celebration meal and bowling was tinged with sadness, as this morning we bid goodbye to some of the students who had helped to make the first week so special. However, we are incredibly lucky to be joined by some more brilliant young people from around the world. After being joined by…
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Spring 2018: Day 6

A bittersweet day in Cambridge as we prepare to say goodbye to our week 1 students, but excited to welcome our next students tomorrow for week 2. Despite the rainy day, the students had another jam-packed and enjoyable schedule. The day started off with a Public Speaking workshop by Jenny. Students analysed good and bad…
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Spring 2018: Day 5

This morning was our final morning of subject classes for this week. Highlights included Emergency Medicine in the Life Science and Medicine class – students were taught how to assess a casualty and practised bandages and basic first aid principles. In Psychology, they looked at cognitive psychology and its methods through the study of brain…
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Spring 2018: Day 4

Reach Cambridge is designed to not only give our students a taste of University life and an experience of Cambridge, but also to show them the best that the UK has to offer. Friday was all about the latter, with our students setting off bright and early this morning to head into London for a…
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Spring 2018: Day 3

Our students really experienced all that Cambridge has to offer on this bright, beautiful sunshine day! The day started off with a traditional cooked breakfast in a local restaurant, followed by another morning of subject classes. Highlights from the subject classes today included anatomy and dissection in both Psychology and Life Sciences and Medicine, as…
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Spring 2018: Day 2

What an action-packed first full day here in Cambridge! The day started off with a continental breakfast in Reach Hall followed by the first subject supervision classes. Highlights from today’s first classes included key concepts in wellbeing science in Psychology, analysing the ‘DaVinci’ code in Maths & Computer Sciences, and studying the cardiovascular system in…
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Spring 2018: Day 1

During our Spring program, we will be publishing a daily blog, so you can keep up to date with what the students are doing each day. We have also begun documenting the days on the Reach Cambridge Instagram Story – find us on Instagram as @reachcambridge and click ‘follow’ to keep up to date! After…
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Talent Show

Program 3: Scholar 2017 – Day 10

Whilst the weather started off rainy today, by mid-morning it was blazing sunshine in Cambridge and we were all ready to start another jam-packed day at Reach! In class, the students experienced the usual wide variety of lessons and experiences. In Medical Sciences the students learnt about sport chemistry, the psychology students studied language and…
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Program 3: Scholar 2017 – Day 9

Today’s program included a number of exciting academic classes and excursions. The Medical Sciences and Chemistry class headed to Cambridge’s renowned Botanical Gardens where they took part in a plant treasure hunt, locating and identifying various plant species in the beautiful sunshine!  The English Literature class travelled to the nearby village of Granchester where they…
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Physics Excursion

Program 3: Scholar 2017 – Day 8

Today was a busy day at Reach with plenty of exciting activities and lectures going on! As usual we started the day with a lovely breakfast at Downing College and Trinity hall. Various interesting lectures were taking place today! We had the Psychology students analysing brain scans, the Biotechnology class studying drug discovery and design,…
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