Summer 2025: Apply by Monday 30th September and Save £600
Summer 2025: Apply by 30th Sep and Save £600
Summer 2025: Apply by 30th Sep and Save £600

Program 1: Summer 2018 – Day 8

After a busy weekend of excursions, our students have been spoilt today with a well deserved lie in. Classes were pushed back to 1:30pm which gave them the chance to recharge and regroup,  ready for an action packed second week on the program! This has meant that we have had some great work being done…
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Program 1: Summer 2018 – Day 7

Reachers across Cambridge were excited to wake up bright and early this morning to kick off our much-anticipated trip to London. With the sun shining brightly and balmy temperatures predicted for the day, tiredness from the previous day’s excursion was quickly forgotten, as the bus journey provided plenty of opportunity for napping! First stop was…
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Program 1: Summer 2018 – Day 6

There’s nothing better, after a week of lectures and making new friends, than hopping on a bus and going somewhere new. Reach Cambridge likes to fill the weekends with exciting excursions to different tourist attractions throughout the country. Today, students were up bright and early for breakfast, then piled on a coach for a two…
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Progam 1: Summer 2018 – Day 5

Today students went to class as normal, and the students from Medicine and Life sciences went across to a new classroom near Reach Hall, where they were able to perform exciting dissections and experiments! The students from Physics and Astronomy also went on a trip to Centre for Computer History, where they played Tetris on…
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Program 1: Summer 2018 – Day 3

Today marked the start of the Reach Programme Running club. Led by senior member of staff David, a significant number of our students opted for an early start, exercise and some fresh air. The subsequent breakfast was especially well-deserved and they approached the morning with fresh minds. Classes continued this morning, and the students have…
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Program 1: Summer 2018 – Day 2

Another great day at Reach Cambridge! After a filling breakfast, the students headed to another exciting dayy of classes. All of the students are really engaging in the lessons, and we are so excited to see the progress they are already making! After class, the students headed into town for lunch and more sightseeing, seizing…
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Program 1: Summer 2018 – Day 1

Today was a huge day at Reach Cambridge! We woke up bright and early for the first group breakfasts in colleges, and the students made sure to get in good meals for the day ahead. After eating, it was time for the first morning of classes. We’re lucky at Reach to be able to offer…
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Program 1: Summer 2018 – Day 0!

Welcome to the Reach Cambridge Summer Blog Here you will find a written update of the day’s events, written by members of the Reach Cambridge staff. We hope it will be an enjoyable and useful resource for parents and students alike. If you’ve seen our daily blogs from previous years, you may notice a new addition…
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Spring 2018: Day 12

What a full, memorable and fantastic final day for Reach Cambridge Spring 2018! The day started with the final morning of subject classes. Highlights included Experimental Medicine in Life Sciences & Medicine, and Torus Equations (Donut equation) in Maths. The teachers said how much they had enjoyed teaching the students over the last few weeks…
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Spring 2018: Day 11

On the penultimate full day of our Spring programme, we took the opportunity to take all of our students into London to experience some of the fantastic museums our Capital has to offer. We woke up bright and early to have breakfast in Reach Hall, before traveling into the centre of London. We spent the…
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Spring 2018: Day 10

Despite the rain lashing down first thing in the morning, Thursday began with a traditional English breakfast at a local restaurant for all of our students. This gave those who had not been here for week 1 the chance to sample a full breakfast, with Kate on hand to provide a series of fun facts…
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