Summer 2025: Apply by Monday 30th September and Save £600
Summer 2025: Apply by 30th Sep and Save £600
Summer 2025: Apply by 30th Sep and Save £600

Program 2: Summer 2018 – Day 0!

Although yesterday was super sad saying goodbye to our Program 1 students, we are SO excited to meet our Program 2 students today. We’re also really happy to still have a few students from Program 1 here to help welcome our new students. With a cheerful wave and an orange t-shirt, Reach Cambridge staff were…
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Program 1: Summer 2018 – Day 19

The last day of Program 1 at Reach Cambridge was bittersweet. It has been a truly amazing three weeks and it’s been sad saying goodbye to the students we have gotten to know so well over the last few weeks. The day kicked off with the last morning of classes, culminating in the presentation of…
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Program 1: Summer 2018 – Day 17

Today the students were up bright and early, raring to go for some of their final classes. The engineering class began  their projects on transportation, ready to present them on our final Friday of the program. Meanwhile, the journalism and media class looked at filming on mobiles with natural light. There was even an impromptu…
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Program 1: Summer 2018 – Day 13

Despite it only feeling like five minutes ago since Reach Summer 2018 began, our second round of weekend excursions has begun.  The last week has been filled with fun, activities and learning, but it’s also been hard work, and so everyone was in need of some adventure. We at Reach Cambridge like to think that…
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Program 1: Summer 2018 – Day 10

Today marked a particularly exciting day for students and teachers at Reach, with several classes taking trips out to sites around Cambridge, seizing learning opportunities outside the classroom. The staff team even joined in on the fun with a group workout after our morning meeting! The English Literature class were lucky enough to experience not…
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