Spring 2018: Day 10

Despite the rain lashing down first thing in the morning, Thursday began with a traditional English breakfast at a local restaurant for all of our students. This gave those who had not been here for week 1 the chance to sample a full breakfast, with Kate on hand to provide a series of fun facts…
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12 Days of Reach


Twelve Days of Reach: From 3rd – 15th December 2017, save an extra £120 off your Reach Cambridge application! This can be used alongside other discounts to make for a...
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10: TWELVE DAYS OF REACH – Our Ten Favourite Student Photos!

We absolutely love seeing the wonderful photos that students take during their time with us. Sometimes, we love these photos so much that we repost them on our Instagram page! So here are our top ten favourite reposts. You can see more on our Instagram page. Especially over this next ten days, we want to…
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Weekend Excursion

Tailor Made Course | SCGS 2017: ‘World Readiness’

What a fortnight! From 11th to 20th November, twenty-four students from Singapore Chinese Girls’ School (SCGS) descended on Reach Hall in Cambridge for a tailor-made academic course exploring topics within three key themes: society, culture and ethics. Through lectures, debates, group work, individual work, and fieldwork, the students expanded their understanding of the world and…
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Sabre Day

Community Outreach Add-On

What is the Community Outreach Add-On? Through this exciting and dynamic Add-On (i.e. extra to and outside of your chosen academic subject), you will earn 10 community outreach hours, learn lots of valuable transferable skills, and be encouraged to use your unique gifts to make a real difference. You will be working in a team of…
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Reach Cambridge August 2016: Day 10

Following on from the excellent excursions this weekend, and with the welcome addition of the students from Cathedral school from Mumbai, the week got off to a flying start. The Biotechnology students went on a prestigious trip to Sanofi manufacturing park in Haverhill. This was an excellent opportunity to learn more about industrial practices in…
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Reach Cambridge August 2016: Day 6

It has been an extremely fun and eventful day for the Reach Cambridge students. In the morning, the English Literature class had a very engaging and thought-provoking discussion analyzing the portrayal of women in the media; their knowledge of feminist literature was very impressive and this contributed to a lively class discussion. During the afternoon,…
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Reach Cambridge Global Leaders: Day 4

Reach got off to another great start today. Lectures started earlier this morning with Humanities students learning about a charitable program that Reach has been working with for the past six years, SABRE. Following on from last night’s talk about “Forgotten People” the students have been looking at the way that SABRE work to improve education for…
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Reach Cambridge July 2016: Day 16

With just a few days left of the Reach Cambridge July program, we’re making sure to pack in as many fun, interesting activities as possible. After classes today, many of the students had mock interviews, a useful way to experience what university applications may involve. As always, the supervisors who conducted the interviews were incredibly…
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