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QUICK! Final places remaining for summer 2024! APPLY NOW
QUICK! Final places remaining for summer 2024! APPLY NOW
Reach Cambridge students with international flag face paint, celebrating diversity at a cultural festival.

Celebrating 20 Years of Lifelong Connections at Reach Cambridge

As we celebrate the 20th anniversary of Reach Cambridge, we reflect on two decades of giving students the chance to experience academic growth, personal development, and lifelong connections in historic...
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A smiling student sitting on the grass, writing in a notebook during a sunny day at Reach Cambridge.

Reflecting on 20 Years of Personal Growth at Reach Cambridge

As Reach Cambridge marks its 20th anniversary, we reflect with pride on two decades of encouraging students’ personal growth. We have always believed in the perfect balance with students able...
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A group of Reach Cambridge students proudly display their certificates while posing in front of a historic Cambridge University building.

Celebrating 20 Years of Academic Excellence at Reach Cambridge

As we celebrate the 20th anniversary of Reach Cambridge, we reflect on two decades of fostering academic excellence, personal growth, and global connections in historic Cambridge. From humble beginnings, we've...
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Preparing for the Future: The Lifelong Advantage of Transferrable Skills

Going out into the world after school is a thrilling adventure, it’s a journey of self-discovery, and a leap towards shaping your future. There’s a powerful tool that often goes unnoticed but can really impact your entire university experience and beyond – transferrable skills. These are flexible abilities and qualities that you can apply across…
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How to Boost Your Confidence in Creative Writing

Expressing yourself through writing is a wonderful way to share your thoughts and feelings. But if you lack confidence in your writing skills, it can be a bit scary. Many writers struggle with this, but there’s no need to worry. There are things you can do to boost your confidence in creative writing. Here are…
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benefits of attending a summer school

The Benefits of Attending International Summer School Programs

Are you thinking about attending summer school? Perhaps you’re wondering what’s in it for you. Is it worth the time and money? We’ve taken a look at just some of the academic, social, mental health and career advantages of attending a summer school. Academic benefits Academically, a summer school offers a great opportunity to learn…
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Summer 2022 – Program Highlights

The Reach Cambridge summer programs have sadly come to an end, and what a summer it was! Fantastic friends were made, lots of exciting activities were enjoyed, and some life-changing...
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Summer 2021 – Program 3 – Highlights

The third program of Reach Cambridge summer 2021 was a great success, with an abundance of inspiring classes and exciting activities. The group was a truly diverse international mix, including...
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