Day 19: The Bronte Parsonage Museum from a student’s perspective, Hwa Chong Institution, Singapore

Bacon and eggs again. Later, an olde house upon a recluse hillside a galaxy away. Well, at least the air is warm with the glorious blaze of the sun. Across the globe however, the same flame-ball never fails to set alight my country Singapore. Seems like today is a miraculous, even mix of invisible snow…
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Day 16: Stratford-upon-Avon and Warwick Castle

Hurricane Bertha may have greeted us with a fond good morning as the songbirds woke the students at the Reach Cambridge camp, but in typical British fashion we showed that a little rain was not going to be allowed to ruin the fun. So, as the rain lashed against the coach and we all attempted…
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Day 15: Blenheim Palace and Oxford

Saturday saw early starts, bus rides and fun in abundance, as the students and supervisors explored Blenheim Palace. The home of the Duke and Duchess of Marlborough and birthplace of Sir Winston Churchill, Blenheim Palace is a delightful stately palace surrounded by spectacular gardens. After a guided tour of the Palace ROOMS the students enjoyed…
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Day 14: Charity Auction

Day 14 sees us half way through the Reach program (for the school groups and newbie supervisors like myself) and how time has flown!! Despite some stormy summer weather, today was another fun-filled (albeit soggy) day. The students attended morning lessons followed by ‘corridor lunch’ – a weekly highly anticipated event whereby supervisors take their…
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Day Nine: Brighton and Arrival Day

After a brilliant day in Ely yesterday, today was just as exciting as students from the Global Leaders Program headed south to Brighton! As we drove into Brighton on the bus, a wave of awe resounded throughout the bus as we passed the Royal Pavilion; an awesome palace that looks like it belongs in India…
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Day Eight: Ely

It is always a pleasure accompanying students on excursions, but I have been looking forward to this trip more than any other. Despite living in Cambridge for four years, I never made it to Ely, a nearby city with one of the country’s most beautiful cathedrals. Once e went inside for our tour, it was…
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Day Seven: Community Outreach

All week, the Global Leaders students have been taking part in the Community Outreach program. We work with the charity SABRE, an education charity working in rural Ghana to build schools and train teachers. After hearing about the charity at the beginning of the week, the students have been planning ways to fundraise, which culminated…
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Day Two: Hampton Court

The Global Leaders Program is a jam-packed, but very fun, week. The course is filled with activities, and on the first full day this included our first excursion. The group visited the extremely impressive Hampton Court Palace, once home to one of England’s most famous leaders – King Henry VIII. We were lucky enough to…
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