Summer 2025: Apply by Sunday 15th September and Save £650
Summer 2025: Apply by 15th Sep and Save £650
Summer 2025: Apply by 15th Sep and Save £650

Happy Valentine’s Day!

LOVE n. 1. warm affection 2. benevolence 3. charity 4. sweetheart 5. Tennis etc, score of nothing 6. admire passionately 7. idolize 8. delight in – So what is this ‘L’ word all about? Thank you for all your responses on our Reach Cambridge facebook page (not friends with Reach Cambridge? So not cool, might…
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Happy New Year!

We hope you have all had a brilliant festive few weeks and we wish you the very best for 2012. I know it is an important year for those finishing exams and those starting university, and for everyone in between – HAPPY NEW YEAR! Summer 2012 To all our new students for 2012 – we…
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Talent Show: A Review from the students

Here’s a sneak peak into one of the many evening activities you can encounter during a Reach Cambridge program. While the supervisors prepare a lively program for all nights during the 3-week period (including a casino night, Scottish dance lessons, international nights and much more), the talent show often shines through as an amazing night…
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A Day in the Life of a Reach Cambridge Student

Please note: This article was written by two Reach Cambridge students (Sieneen Ghani and Eline Yara Jeanne) in July 2011. Here is your chance to hear about the Reach Cambridge experience from students themselves: While there is vast amount of information about Reach Cambridge on the website, we would like to outline an average day…
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Interview with a past student: Shini Kumar

We know just how important it is to get first-hand information and to learn from someone else’s experience. In this series, we’re bringing you interviews with past students, students from all over the world that have experienced a Reach Cambridge program and can now reflect on what they thought about it and what they took…
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Skills you’ll learn during the Reach Cambridge summer school: Mastering the stairs

You’ll come out of Reach Cambridge summer school with new knowledge, a group of lifelong international friends, better English and so much more. Yet one aspect of studying abroad for a few weeks is often overlooked. We’re talking about the forever useful lifelong skills that you’ll develop in a new environment. Skill No. 2: Mastering…
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Are you new to this blog?

As blogs go, this one is still taking its baby steps. We launched it in January this year to try and bring some fresh content and help you get a clearer sense of what YOUR experience of Reach Cambridge programs could be like. If you’re new to this blog, get involved! :) Read through past…
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Are you new to this blog?

As blogs go, this one is still taking its baby steps. We launched it in January this year to try and bring some fresh content and help you get a clearer sense of what YOUR experience of Reach Cambridge programs could be like.If you’re new to this blog, get involved!:)Read through past blog posts and…
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Are you new to this blog?

As blogs go, this one is still taking its baby steps. We launched it in January this year to try and bring some fresh content and help you get a clearer sense of what YOUR experience of Reach Cambridge programs could be like. If you’re new to this blog, get involved! :) Read through past…
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Are you new to this blog?

As blogs go, this one is still taking its baby steps. We launched it in January this year to try and bring some fresh content and help you get a clearer sense of what YOUR experience of Reach Cambridge programs could be like. If you’re new to this blog, get involved! :) Read through past…
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