Summer 2025: Apply by Sunday 15th September and Save £650
Summer 2025: Apply by 15th Sep and Save £650
Summer 2025: Apply by 15th Sep and Save £650

Day Seven: Community Outreach

All week, the Global Leaders students have been taking part in the Community Outreach program. We work with the charity SABRE, an education charity working in rural Ghana to build schools and train teachers. After hearing about the charity at the beginning of the week, the students have been planning ways to fundraise, which culminated…
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Day Three: Leadership, Scavenger Hunt and SABRE

After a fun filled day at Hampton Court and an evening exploring essential university skills, such as revision technique and academic writing, the Reach Cambridge ‘working week’ got under way in style today. However, there were no Monday morning blues as the students experienced their first Leadership session. Negotiation, communication and cooperation was essential as…
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Day 18: Mock university interviews

Today was one of the hottest days of the year, not only in Cambridge but across the U.K! Tomorrow’s supposed to be even hotter! After the students finished classes today, some opted to play sports outside at Downing College, whereas others avoided the midday sun and practiced their performances for tomorrow’s talent show! I enjoyed…
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Day 14: museums and shopping in London

Today saw the final weekend excursion of the program with our second trip to London. The day started on the glum side with torrential rain, but by the time the coach pulled up on Exhibition Road it was glorious sunshine! The excursion began with visits to two of London’s most famous museums:  the Science Museum,…
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Day 11: SABRE Promises Auction

The Reach Cambridge Summer School for July has just passed the halfway mark and spirits are on a high! Some poor weather persisting throughout the day threatened to dampen our progress, however, rain or shine there is always lots to do here in Cambridge. With the outdoor sporting activities having to be cancelled they were replaced…
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Day 8: Tour de France

Today we were lucky enough to experience a once in a lifetime opportunity – the famous Tour de France passed through the centre of Cambridge, and all of the students were released from class for the day to watch! The centre of Cambridge had been decorated with bunting and bicycles, and lots of the shops…
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Day 7: Weekend trips

Saturday After a packed first week the Reach Train-of-Fun did not slow as it trundled into Saturday, and the first trip of the weekend. The students began their day bright and early and by 11am we had arrived at Stratford-upon-Avon, the birthplace of William Shakespeare and home to the Royal Shakespeare Company. Despite initial warnings…
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Day Two: World Fair!

Classes were in full swing already by this morning; we were particularly impressed by the efforts of the Maths and Engineering students with the model bridges that they created in the workshop of the Cambridge Engineering Department – there was definitely a lot of architectural flair shining through! After class many students headed into town…
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Reach Cambridge July summer program 2014: Arrival Day!

Today, the Reach Cambridge July program started with the exciting arrival of the students from all over the world – Japan, Germany, Canada, Lebanon and so many more! Despite the...
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