Summer 2025: Apply by Sunday 15th September and Save £650
Summer 2025: Apply by 15th Sep and Save £650
Summer 2025: Apply by 15th Sep and Save £650

The Reach Team visit Jordan

After a great visit to Istanbul the Reach Cambridge world tour continued eastwards into Jordan, where we caught the ends of a snowstorm that had swept through Turkey and across the Middle East. Luckily the weather didn’t cause any disruption to the school visits during our time in Amman, and we managed to visit many…
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The Reach Team visit Turkey

No year of Reach trips abroad would be complete without a visit to Turkey! This year we visited Istanbul for a week to talk to students and teachers there about Reach. After landing on a sunny Saturday afternoon in February the week was poised for a series of visits around both the European and Asian…
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Student Gerald looks forward to Reach Cambridge summer school 2015

I am delighted to be attending the Reach Cambridge Program in July. The subject I applied and was accepted for is Physics & Engineering, which is one of my favorite subjects, but I’m looking forward to being challenged on another level. In the school where I study there are no physics laboratories, so everything that…
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The Reach Team visit South East Asia

Last summer, students from over 45 different countries joined our summer programs. For many, it was the first time visiting the UK, an entirely new place with different food, different shops, different time zone, different architecture, a different climate… But for everyone, though it can all seem quite alien at first, by the end of…
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Holiday celebrations around the world

2014 has flown by! We’ve had a great year here at Reach Cambridge, welcoming more teenagers than ever to our Cambridge summer school, and running tailor-made international study programs for school groups from around the world. Now ‘tis the season to be jolly, and we are looking forward to all the festive fun that this…
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Community Outreach: working with the SABRE Charitable Trust

Every summer, a number of Reach Cambridge students sign up to take part in our Community Outreach program. This is a great chance to learn valuable skills in teamwork and project management through charitable work. Every summer we are amazed by the Community Outreach students: their dedication and hard work encourages all of the students…
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Reach Cambridge team visit Singapore

Singapore is a fascinating country. Despite covering an area less than half the size of London, it has a vibrancy and dynamism to match any other advanced nation. With cutting-edge businesses, world-class shopping malls and an incredibly high-performing education system, Singapore is always an interesting place to visit. I went to Singapore with Jenny, Reach’s…
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A Midsummer Reach Dream: Theatre in the university and at Reach Cambridge

Cambridge University is famous for many things; its architecture, history, research and of course being the unofficial homeland of Harry Potter.  Theatre in Cambridge is also one of its oldest traditions and the university has housed some of the world’s most renowned actors, actresses and directors throughout its illustrious 800 year history. Emma Thompson, Hugh…
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Day 19: The Bronte Parsonage Museum from a student’s perspective, Hwa Chong Institution, Singapore

Bacon and eggs again. Later, an olde house upon a recluse hillside a galaxy away. Well, at least the air is warm with the glorious blaze of the sun. Across the globe however, the same flame-ball never fails to set alight my country Singapore. Seems like today is a miraculous, even mix of invisible snow…
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Day 18: Psychology student from Catholic Junior College, Singapore

I wanted to attend the psychology course provided by REACH Cambridge because psychology as a career path has been something I’ve been toying around with in my head for quite a while, even though I knew close to nothing about it. In fact, it might have been my utter ignorance of the field which drove…
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