Summer 2025: Apply by Sunday 15th September and Save £650
Summer 2025: Apply by 15th Sep and Save £650
Summer 2025: Apply by 15th Sep and Save £650

Reach Cambridge August 2016: Day 1

After a very busy week, today’s excursion was a more relaxed trip that allowed the students a chance to recharge their batteries. We visited the city of Norwich, which is now a quaint British town though in the 11th Century and for hundreds of years following, it was the second largest city after London. There are historical references to…
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Reach Cambridge Global Leaders: Day 4

Reach got off to another great start today. Lectures started earlier this morning with Humanities students learning about a charitable program that Reach has been working with for the past six years, SABRE. Following on from last night’s talk about “Forgotten People” the students have been looking at the way that SABRE work to improve education for…
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Reach Cambridge Global Leaders 2016: Day 3

After a busy weekend, today marked the first day of classes for the Global Leaders’ students. Setting off after breakfast the Scientists set-out to learn how to become critical Scientists. The theme of the morning was ‘Healthy Scepticism’. The students learned to be wary of scientific findings reported in the Newspaper. We heard of the…
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Reach Cambridge Global Leaders 2016: Day 2

What a day! It was an early start for the students (and supervisors!) to be up and on the coach to head to Hampton Court Palace – the home of Henry VIII. Fortunately, it was a beautiful day for our stroll across the park from the bus to the palace. When we arrived, all the…
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Reach Cambridge Global Leaders 2016: Day 1

Global Leaders 2016 has begun – what an exciting day! Over 80 students from all across the world have joined us for a fun, stimulating and thought-provoking experience in Cambridge. With all the students settled into their new rooms, the evening was spent getting to know each other, and the Reach Cambridge staff and corridor supervisors. After…
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Reach Cambridge July 2016: Day 14

Today was the last excursion of the program, so all of the students travelled to London one final time. The group split into two trips – some of the students visited Greenwich, before taking a cruise down the River Thames and exploring the Southbank, while the others spent the morning in Tate Modern and the afternoon…
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Reach Cambridge July 2016: Day 11

The theme of today has definitely been international diversity. Following classes in the morning, lots of students began preparation for the ‘World Fair’. This will be held on Friday evening, and is a chance for everybody to get into groups and teach everyone else what is special about their country. We are lucky to have…
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Reach Cambridge July 2016: Day 6

As it’s summer, we like our students to experience the great British seaside, and where better to do that than Brighton? This coastal resort first became fashionable during the Georgian era – the famous Royal Pavilion was built as a retreat for King George IV (when he was the Prince of Wales). Brighton’s popularity continued to grow over the…
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Reach Cambridge July 2016: Day 2

Today was the second full day at Reach and it was just as busy at the first! After a good breakfast at our colleges (Christs, Downing and Trinity Hall) everyone went to their second day of classes beginning at 9am. Students are taking hugely varied classes, from Journalism and Media to Computer Science and Physics….
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Reach Cambridge 2015: Kiara’s experience

In this blog, Kiara looks back at her time in Cambridge on our 2015 summer program: Spending three weeks living in Cambridge with Reach was undoubtedly one of the most incredible experiences I’ve ever had, and one that even months on I’m still reeling from. First and foremost, Cambridge is an unbelievably beautiful historical city….
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