Summer 2025: Apply by Saturday 31st August and Save £700
Summer 2025: Apply by 31st Aug and Save £700
Summer 2025: Apply by 31st Aug and Save £700
Reach Explorer

Program 1: Explorer 2017 – Day 10

♫ Sun is shinin’ in the sky There ain’t a cloud in sight It’s stopped rainin’ everybody’s in a play And don’t you know It’s a beautiful new day, hey hey… ♫   The sun is back here in Cambridge, bringing the return of a blue-sky backdrop to our usual myriad of activities. The afternoon…
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The River Cam

Spring Program: Day 13

We had our final full English breakfast at Cote Brasserie this morning. The sun was shining, the company was delightful and the food was delicious! After everyone had finished their...
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Community Outreach

Spring Program: Day 11

Another amazing day in Cambridge for all of us! The morning started off with a scrumptious traditional cooked breakfast at Cote Brasserie followed by a great Community Outreach session run by Katie from Sabre ( a charity dedicated to building a brighter future for school children in Ghana. We have worked with Sabre for many…
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Spring Program: Day 10

Today was the ‘subject-specific’ day in Reach Hall, where students were divided up according to the subjects they elected to study during their time with us. For some of the students, this was their second full day immersing themselves in their subjects. For those who joined us on Saturday, this was their first experience of…
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Reach classroom sign

Spring Program: Day 4

After a relaxing and sophisticated candlelit dinner last night at Downing College formal hall, we’re sure our students were feeling newly motivated when they headed to class this morning! As you can see on our Instagram story, the pre-lunchtime slot was dedicated to a study skills workshop. ‘Study skills’ can sound like a bit of a wishy-washy…
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Spring Program: Day 2

Our first full day on the spring program has been action-packed and amazing! We started off with a lovely cooked breakfast before walking to Sidney Sussex College for morning class. David – a Sidney alumnus – gave the students a walking tour around the college, including the College Chapel, Dining Hall and Gardens.
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Friendship Fortnight: How Does It Work?

What is Friendship Fortnight? For two weeks only (24th February – 12th March), we are tripling the ‘Refer a Friend’ discount to £300! How do I get this discount? The process is simple: Choose your program, complete an application form and then visit your online account page to find your unique ‘personal referral code’. When the friend (or…
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Students in Downing

Guest Post: Carlota on Reach Friendships #friendshipfortnight

Carlota attended Reach Cambridge in July 2016. She studied Law and made some lasting friendships. Here is how she sums up her experience: Hello, my name is Carlota and I’m from Barcelona, Spain. Last summer I attended Reach Cambridge. It was an extremely enriching experience that I will never forget. Reach Cambridge is not only…
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King’s College

10 Reasons to Come Visit Cambridge

1. The architecture is stunning.     From King’s College chapel (built 1446-1515), to the Fitzwilliam Museum (built 1841), to Quayside (opposite Magdalene College, built 2009), the architecture of Cambridge spans many different centuries and styles.  The famous bits are famous for a reason; you should definitely see them for yourself. But who knows what other,…
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Year-round team adventures in North America and Canada

At the moment, Reach is in the midst of trip season. A big part of what the year-round team do is visit as many schools as we can all over the world. Some trips consist of visiting Reach alumni at their schools. Others are to forge links with new schools that are interested to hear what…
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