Summer 2025: Apply by Sunday 15th September and Save £650
Summer 2025: Apply by 15th Sep and Save £650
Summer 2025: Apply by 15th Sep and Save £650

Day 10: Capture the Flag

On Wednesday we made use of the glorious weather and ran a large game of Capture the Flag in a local park. This involved about 50 students and multiple supervisors. It was fantastic to see students working together to outwit the opposing team. Each team was required to decide tactics with the aim of capturing…
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Day 9: Fête of Fun!

Monday brought sunshine, bicycles, a field of fun and a miniature world cup tournament. The day started off with the tour de France zooming through Cambridge, the cyclists passing through...
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Day 6: Uni Advance

The students at Reach Cambridge are lucky enough to be able to strike a balance between intellectual and personal development. As an international summer school one of the other advantages is being able to introduce the students to the wide range of opportunities that England has to offer. Thus one of the additions to the…
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Day 5: Community Outreach

Every year at the Reach Cambridge international summer school a number of students signup to participate in a Community Outreach program (this year a huge 20!), which is a chance for those students to do some charitable work within their time in Cambridge. This year, and for a number of past years, the charity which…
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Day One: Reach Cambridge gets off to a flying start

Today was the first day of the Reach Cambridge Summer School and it set the tone for what looks set to be a fantastic 3 weeks! It began with battling through the jet lag (and sadly disappointment too for many of the Greek football fans!) to make it to breakfast, before the students headed to…
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Wimbledon 2014: Tennis Fever vs Football Frenzy!

When you think of sporting events happening in 2014, one thing springs to mind: The World Cup of course! But as football frenzy has swept the world, England is quietly...
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A Summer of Football: FIFA World Cup and the Reach Cambridge World Cup!

Football fans around the globe are getting ready for something very exciting. For the last four years, preparations have been underway for the 20th FIFA World Cup. This years tournament will see the top players from 32 different nations compete for the honour of becoming the 2014 World Cup champions. The tournament, which will commence…
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Cambridge summer school: amazing architecture all around

Cambridge is consistently called one of the most beautiful cities in the world. This is in large part because of the breathtaking architecture – many very, very old buildings have survived and remain in use, and architectural innovation has continued right up to the present day.  Cambridge is therefore the perfect setting for an introduction to…
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