Summer 2025: Apply by Sunday 15th September and Save £650
Summer 2025: Apply by 15th Sep and Save £650
Summer 2025: Apply by 15th Sep and Save £650

New Year’s Eve celebrations from across the globe

The holiday season may be coming to an end, but we’re looking forward to the new year! We can’t wait to welcome more teenagers from around the world for an exceptional summer school experience in 2015. Last week, we told you how the festive season is celebrated across the globe. This week, we’ve rounded up…
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Singapore Chinese Girls’ School’s tailor-made Media & Philosophy course December 2014

Students of our summer programs enjoy the sunshine and flowers of the warmer months, but Cambridge is equally beautiful in the colder seasons. We were delighted to welcome Singapore Chinese Girls’ School to a winter wonderland for their tailor-made Media & Philosophy course in December. With just a week in the UK, the group made…
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Cambridge: the film set

The film The Theory of Everything is about to be released worldwide and tipped to be an Oscar-winning success. It is based on the life of Stephen Hawking, the world-famous theoretical physicist, who studied at Cambridge University, and continues to teach at the Department of Applied Mathematics and Theoretical Physics. Cambridge, then, has a large…
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The Great North American Road Trip

Each year, the staff team from Reach Cambridge summer programs are lucky enough to travel the globe, visiting schools all over the world to tell students and teachers about the amazing summer school experience we offer. These trips are a real highlight for us – not only do they enable us to see a whole…
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The River Cam

It is difficult to think of Cambridge without picturing the River Cam – images of the colleges across the Backs, of students punting along the water, or rowers practicing at high speed are all immediately recognizable as part of the Cambridge experience. The Cam is a special river, not least because, unusually, it is named…
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Chiara discusses her memories of Reach, and impression of the supervisors

Who Are We?...  At Reach Cambridge our staff broadly divides into academic staff, senior staff and supervisors. But what, I hear you cry, is a supervisor!?  The main role of...
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Sabrina remembers her time at Reach in July 2014

In this week’s blog, Sabrina remembers her time during the Reach course in July 2014… Enjoy! Why not? That’s the question I asked myself before signing up for Reach Cambridge. After this three week experience, I’m glad that I asked. Each week has been filled with a balance of enriching education and fun activities. The wide variety…
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Riwa talks about her experience of the July 2014 program…

Today’s blog comes from one of the students from our July 2014 program. Riwa has chosen to become a Reach Ambassador and has written all about her amazing Reach Cambridge experience! I feel really lucky to have been a part of the Reach experience; to have wandered the streets of an astonishing city and to…
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Day 20: The Talent Show from a student’s perspective, Hwa Chong Institution, Singapore

Confessions of a Dance Instructor: My Experience preparing for the Talent Show at Reach When we’d first heard that we’d all be getting a chance to put up a performance over the course of the REACH Cambridge program, most of my schoolmates had grimaced, a definite look of resignation on their faces. Some had blanched…
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Day 17: English Literature students from The Cathedral and John Connon School

The start of the week saw us return to our regular schedules after a wonderfully exhausting and gratifying weekend. The English class tried their hand at imagist poetry and attempted to analyse the complex works of T.S. Eliot, famed for his distinctive use of different poetic forms within singular works. This involved interesting exercises such…
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