Summer 2025: Apply by Saturday 31st August and Save £700
Summer 2025: Apply by 31st Aug and Save £700
Summer 2025: Apply by 31st Aug and Save £700

Reach Cambridge July 2015: Day 4

The big excitement of the day was the first excursion outside Cambridge, staff and students alike, and the trip did not disappoint! After morning lectures we all boarded coaches to Wandlebury Country Park. It was lovely to see the students helping the staff to carry our packed lunches, and the extra help in the sweltering…
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Reach Cambridge July 2015: Day 3

After a busy day getting to know one another yesterday, and a good night’s sleep, the students were excited to really get stuck in to classes this morning. After lessons they had another opportunity to explore Cambridge (still basking in glorious sunshine) and to try out more of the restaurants and cafes for lunch. In…
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Reach Cambridge July 2015: Day 2

After a smooth and exciting Arrival Day, most of the students were glad of an early night and a chance to relax before classes began this morning.  The classes, ranging from English and Performing Arts to Life Sciences and Medicine, ran until lunchtime, when the students had the opportunity to find themselves something yummy from…
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Reach Cambridge July 2015: Arrival Day

It only seems like yesterday that I was meeting 2014s batch of students, and yet here we are, the very start of our July program, a year later. It’s my fifth summer working with Reach Cambridge, but the excitement of the arrival day never gets old – it is amazing to welcome students from all over…
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The Reach Team Visit Japan

At Reach we love having students from countries across the world, and often we get the chance to visit new places too, to talk to students about our summer courses. This year marked the very first Reach Cambridge trip to Japan, where we spent a week in Tokyo visiting both local and international schools to…
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William Shakespeare and Reach Cambridge excursions

The first weekend of Reach Cambridge Summer School is approaching and everyone is excited about the trips we’re going to take! Here’s a little trailer about what Reach is planning around William Shakespeare… Shakespeare was an English poet and playwright, writing at the end of the 16th century, and is widely regarded as the greatest…
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Student Leen looks forward to Reach Cambridge 2015

“Maybe you’ll learn how to read minds,” was what my cousin told me when I broke the news of me going to study psychology at Reach Cambridge this August. Ever since the first Harry Potter movie came out, my cousin had been a Hogwarts fanatic, and me going to a university that resembles Hogwarts made him…
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Reach Cambridge International Visits!

Reach Cambridge is a truly international summer school, with students from over 45 different countries joining us last year. However the international aspect of Reach is not just restricted to the summer, as throughout the year we travel around the globe visiting schools in Europe, the Middle East, the USA, East Asia… the list goes…
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Reach Cambridge Tailor-Made Courses

At Reach we enjoy a wealth of international diversity in our summer programs, with students joining us from over 50 countries around the world. This allows teenagers from a huge range of educational backgrounds to join together in one of the world’s oldest academic centres. The chance to live and learn in Cambridge is an…
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What’s going on in Cambridge 2015

2014 was another amazing year in Cambridge. It was marked by some pretty big events: in January, Prince William started a full-time course at the university, and in July, one of the greatest sporting events in the world, the Tour de France, raced through the city (read what Reach Cambridge staff and students made of…
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