Summer 2025: Apply by Sunday 15th September and Save £650
Summer 2025: Apply by 15th Sep and Save £650
Summer 2025: Apply by 15th Sep and Save £650

Reach Cambridge Global Leaders: Day 5

London’s calling! An early start and hearty breakfast prepared everyone for a big day ahead. We made our way to Trafalgar Square for our first stop at the National Portrait Gallery. Here we explored the many floors to the gallery, analysing a collection of paintings: from the ceremonial portraits of the royal family by Chris…
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Reach Cambridge July 2016: Day 19

And so we have reached the final day of the Reach Cambridge July 2016 program – how has time flown by so fast? It was a characteristically full day, including the last day of classes, lots of packing, and the much-anticipated Departure Party! The event’s theme was ‘Dress to Impress’ and the group did not disappoint, all…
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Reach Cambridge July 2016: Day 18

14th July 2016 – what a day for Reach Cambridge! Any notion that things would slow down for the final few days of the program were quickly eradicated this morning, as another packed day was unfurled to the students by the ever-wonderful supervisors. Afternoon activities consisted of a zesty Zumba lesson by Precious as the angelic sounds of…
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Reach Cambridge July 2016: Day 16

With just a few days left of the Reach Cambridge July program, we’re making sure to pack in as many fun, interesting activities as possible. After classes today, many of the students had mock interviews, a useful way to experience what university applications may involve. As always, the supervisors who conducted the interviews were incredibly…
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Reach Cambridge July 2016: Day 15

After a fun and very full weekend, during which everyone enjoyed the Fete of Fun and an excursion to London, the students were given a well deserved lie-in, with classes starting slightly later than usual. At noon, the Physics and Engineering class were taken on a trip to the Department of Engineering. Whilst there, they…
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Reach Cambridge July 2016: Day 12

It was another fun and fulfilling day at Reach Cambridge. The Economics class played an Economics-themed game that included students taking on different roles that included a banker, firm and household. The idea of the game was to teach the students how mortgages function in an interactive and hands-on way. Meanwhile, some students in the…
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Reach Cambridge July 2016: Day 10

Wednesday marked the halfway point in our three weeks here at Cambridge, and what an amazing time we’ve had already! From art to architecture, sport to Spanish and everything in between, our students have been anything but bored, and have been making the most of exploring the historic city. This afternoon, the Leadership team had…
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