Summer 2025: Apply by Sunday 15th September and Save £650
Summer 2025: Apply by 15th Sep and Save £650
Summer 2025: Apply by 15th Sep and Save £650
Uni Advance

Guest Post: University Advance Add-On

Today’s post was written by Emily, a Reach Cambridge supervisor veteran, who has led University Advance trips in previous summers. Whilst she studied at Cambridge, she hails from Oxford, which makes her a very balanced umpire in the faux-rivalry between the two old university cities… One of the many appealing features of Reach Cambridge is the…
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Creative Writing Add-On

Fancy yourself a budding author? A clandestine poet? A scriptwriter, lyricist, or even a rapper? Whether you’re set out to change the world with your prose, or whether you simply love the feeling of tinkering around with words, the Creative Writing Add-On is the perfect way to further your passion. This extracurricular course is ideal for…
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Cambridge Colleges

Guest Post: Architecture Add-On

We asked Gregory Barrett, an MPhil Architecture & Urban Design student at the University of Cambridge, to tell us why YOU should include the Architecture Add-On as part of your Reach Cambridge experience this summer!   Gregory won several awards for his work at undergraduate level, and often writes for Mark magazine, an international publication which explores…
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Sabre Day

Community Outreach Add-On

What is the Community Outreach Add-On? Through this exciting and dynamic Add-On (i.e. extra to and outside of your chosen academic subject), you will earn 10 community outreach hours, learn lots of valuable transferable skills, and be encouraged to use your unique gifts to make a real difference. You will be working in a team of…
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Spring time!

Guest Post: Scholarship Student Augusta Looks Forward to Spring!

#FriendshipFortnightExtended is coming to an end, and now our eyes are drawn to Spring. Sunshine, daffodils… and the exciting advent of Reach Cambridge’s first ever Spring program! We asked our scholarship student, Augusta, to tell us what she was most excited about and what she is expecting from attending the Reach Spring Program in April. Here’s what…
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Our Favourite Student Instagram Posts #FriendshipFortnightExtended

What a delight it has been to collect this collage of testimonies from students around the world! We’ve chosen our Top Five Favourite reposts to share with you here on our blog. You can see more reposts, photos and videos on our Instagram page. #FriendshipFortnightExtended is nearly over, but you’ve still got until and including…
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Friendship at Reach: A Supervisor’s Story

Ever wondered what it’s like to be a Reach Cambridge supervisor? Do they really get along as well as it seems? How is it that every year, a group of individuals – most of whom have never met before – quickly become a cohesive team? The answer is simple – they are all driven by…
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Students enjoying the local delicacies!

8 Student Perspectives on the Magic of Reach Friendships

To kick off #FriendshipFortnight, here are 8 short testimonials from past students about the friendships they made during their time at Reach Cambridge. We are always thrilled to hear that the international connections forged during our programs last long after the Spring and Summer have ended. Without even mentioning the amazing academic and cultural enrichment Reach Cambridge offers,…
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Students enjoying a sweat treat!

Preparing to Study at University-Level

 Studying at university: how is it different from school? Studying at university is a lot different from learning at school. At university, you are treated as an adult and are responsible for your own results. No one is going to be looking over your shoulder – you will be in charge of your own deadlines: how, when…
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