Summer 2025: Apply by Sunday 15th September and Save £650
Summer 2025: Apply by 15th Sep and Save £650
Summer 2025: Apply by 15th Sep and Save £650

Progam 1: Summer 2018 – Day 5

Today students went to class as normal, and the students from Medicine and Life sciences went across to a new classroom near Reach Hall, where they were able to perform exciting dissections and experiments! The students from Physics and Astronomy also went on a trip to Centre for Computer History, where they played Tetris on…
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Program 1: Summer 2018 – Day 3

Today marked the start of the Reach Programme Running club. Led by senior member of staff David, a significant number of our students opted for an early start, exercise and some fresh air. The subsequent breakfast was especially well-deserved and they approached the morning with fresh minds. Classes continued this morning, and the students have…
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Program 1: Summer 2018 – Day 2

Another great day at Reach Cambridge! After a filling breakfast, the students headed to another exciting dayy of classes. All of the students are really engaging in the lessons, and we are so excited to see the progress they are already making! After class, the students headed into town for lunch and more sightseeing, seizing…
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Guest Post: Poppy Looks Forward to a Reach Summer!

Today’s guest post is written by another of our scholarship winners, Poppy, who is joining Reach Cambridge in Program 3. How does she feel about making friends in a brand new environment? Read on to find out! Friendship to me goes beyond words. I can try all I like, but my words can’t emphasise enough…
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Guest Post: Sabre Education

Every summer, Reach Cambridge students band together to raise money – and awareness – for Sabre Education, a charity that works to provide education in rural Ghana. Students involved in the Community Outreach add-on learn project management skills as they collaborate on fundraising events. Then the remaining students, plus supervisors, staff, and even the townspeople…
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The Royal Wedding: Cambridge and the Royals

The British royal family has long been linked with Cambridge. Royals have founded some of Cambridge University’s colleges: Queens’ College (dually founded by two rival queens), King’s College (in honour of Henry VI), and Trinity College (after perhaps England’s most famous King, Henry VIII). Royals built the city’s most famous landmark: the construction of King’s…
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The FA Cup: Cambridge and Football

The FA Cup is one of the biggest events in the sports calendar, but did you know that its existence is all thanks to Cambridge?! Saturday May 19this a significant date in the UK calendar for a couple of big reasons. While the upcoming events will be anticipated and watched by people across the UK…
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Spring 2018: Day 12

What a full, memorable and fantastic final day for Reach Cambridge Spring 2018! The day started with the final morning of subject classes. Highlights included Experimental Medicine in Life Sciences & Medicine, and Torus Equations (Donut equation) in Maths. The teachers said how much they had enjoyed teaching the students over the last few weeks…
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