QUICK! Final places remaining for summer 2024! APPLY NOW
QUICK! Final places remaining for summer 2024! APPLY NOW
QUICK! Final places remaining for summer 2024! APPLY NOW

Summer 2024: Program 1 - Day 12

Sadly, the time has come to say goodbye to our first cohort of the summer. What a two weeks it has been! 


Students began the day with mixed emotions, excited for the final day of the program, but sad that it is coming to an end. Classes ran in the morning as usual, with students and teachers able to reflect on their time together, and discussing the key takeaways from their classes. The students were awarded certificates for their hard work and dedication over the past two weeks!


Everyone then had a quieter afternoon to do some packing, or if they were prepared and had done so the day before, they could head down to the JCR for some board games. Some students had their last day of taster courses, following on from yesterday- the last bit of learning before wrapping up for the evening’s celebrations. 


Students gathered at our disco venue, for an evening of barbeques, music and dancing! Everyone tucked into some grilled chicken burgers and halloumi, before heading onto the dance floor to throw some shapes. 

But before the music, our programme coordinators Temi and Guy awarded students with fun awards, nominated by their supervisors, including the “inseparable twins”, “best dressed” and the “early bird”. The students were then able to see a roundup of the program on a photo slideshow, which captured the events and activities, as well as group photos of the students. It really showed the students how much they have done, and the fun that has been had over the course of the program. 


Whilst students were having a boogie on the dance floor, others had a tarot reading, enjoyed some refreshments, and chilled out at the casino table. A perfect end to our first program of Summer ‘24!


As curfew approached, the students said their goodbyes, before making their way back to their own colleges, with many having an early start to catch Reach’s Heathrow Express! We have had such a blast with our first cohort of the summer, and we cannot wait to hear what you get up to in the future.


Goodbye, Program 1. We will miss you!