Summer 2025: Apply by Monday 7th October and Save £575
Summer 2025: Apply by 7th Oct and Save £575
Summer 2025: Apply by 7th Oct and Save £575

Scholarship Student Maggie - it's going to be life-changing!

Hi everyone! My name is Maggie Naylor, I am fifteen and I live in England. This year, I will be attending Reach Cambridge summer Program 1 in early July. The course I have chosen to take is the Law course because hopefully when I am older I want to qualify as a lawyer.

Look at that smiley face!

One of the aspects of my two weeks I am most looking forward to is the practical element of the course. For example, I will hopefully get to participate in a mock trial which will be great fun as well as a fantastic learning experience! To be able to actually get involved in something that I want to do when I am older is such a great opportunity and this is one of the many reasons I am looking forward to my time in Cambridge.

A mock trial in session (complete with wigs)

As already mentioned, I want to train to become a lawyer in the future; I strongly feel that the Reach Cambridge law programme will really prepare me for this in lots of different ways: it will help my public speaking, debating, and critical thinking. This course is a perfect opportunity to help me develop and achieve my future goals! Furthermore, I am excited to go on the excursion visits. I have never been to London so visiting with Reach Cambridge will be a fun first. I am also confident that the course will help my university enrichment.

London is always a firm favourite with our students

After reading lots of testimonies, I can safely say that lots of people feel that the way that the course is run has helped them to prepare for university in the best way possible. To hear this is really encouraging for me as I feel like there are hardly any opportunities like this in everyday life. My two week course this summer will be a great chance for me to expand my horizons from the daily school life, to learn in a new environment, meet new people, and most importantly to have a life-changing time!

Thank you for reading and I look forward to updating you about my time spent in Cambridge!