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QUICK! Final places remaining for summer 2024! APPLY NOW

Day Six: Cabinet War Rooms and Houses of Parliament

We were all up bright and early despite most of the students’ energetic participation in the summer school disco last night! We grabbed some breakfast and jumped on a coach to London, making the most of the opportunity for a little extra sleep on the way! I was soon woken up by our absolutely lovely resident tour guide, Tricia, who gave us a brief background on Winston Churchill including some inspiring quotes…very relevant as part of our Global Leaders week. The cabinet war rooms and Winston Churchill museum were fantastic, with information on every surface and plenty of interactive features. Next, Tricia took us along the road to see Downing Street and shared her amazing knowledge along the way, including about the door from 10 Downing Street in the 1960s which we had all unknowingly passed by inside Downing College. The whole reach group then made their way over to St James’ Park to relax in the sunshine and eat our lunch before walking over to the Houses of Parliament to join a fantastically detailed tour by another incredibly passionate and knowledgeable tour guide. We learned about politics and the monarchy in the past and present, which I really enjoyed. Written by Gemma, Supervisor