I’m Billy and this is my first time as a Reach supervisor and my first ever blog post! The weather has been glorious in Cambridge today and everyone has had a really great day. The students had lessons in either physics or economics today and came back really enthused. They were even able to use their knowledge from their leadership class yesterday, and there I was thinking they were just enjoying the crazy negotiation scenarios they made up. I hope they enjoy the rest of their classes as much.
In the afternoon the students went punting which was great to watch from the bank as pandemonium was released on the river. Punt after punt set off to a wobbly, splashy start, bumping and spinning their way upstream. In a matter of minutes however they were gliding off like seasoned pros. They came back without a wet student in sight!
This evening they have been working on their community outreach projects to raise money and awareness for the Sabre trust. They are doing a large variety of activites, from sponsored walks and silences to film making and social media campaigns. Each group has really taken on their activity with gusto and I look forward to seeing the end results.
My fellow supervisor Evie dared me to write this in rhyme but I thought that was a bit beyond my skills so I’ve written a haiku about punting instead
Punting students crash
Boat tips legs and arms wobble
With balance no splash
Written by Billy, Supervisor