Today was yet another incredibly exciting and busy day for students here at Reach Cambridge! With a fantastically engaging class schedule, Mathematics took their chances in the escape room, meanwhile English Literature and Creative Writing discussed “Protest and Refusal” – investigating the systematic issues in the world and how the people’s backlash to it can cause different pros and cons in today’s society. A hilarious direct quote from a student in this discussion today: “Philosophy is men spending their entire lives articulating feelings that teenage girls explain every day” – I think this is absolutely incredible and it makes me excited to hear their arguments and opinions on the state of the world as the next generation gets older. As we reach nearly the end of our first week of Program 3, students are truly beginning to blossom as we watch them gain more confidence in their classes!
This afternoon after much excitement, we opened the Cambridge Union doors for our real-life debating experience – today’s question in debate was as follows: “Celebrities in the media are good role models that should be followed”. With the confidence and support of everyone, the debate against proposition and opposition was an absolute blast! After conversing with a few students after, they could not stop talking about the experience in such a historic hall and the fun they had! Honestly such an eye-opening conversation on the impact Reach is having on these student’s confidence! One student explaining how it was their first time public speaking – just goes to show how much Reach’s activities are helping grow their soft skills that are key for their future as adults!

You can see the competitive spirits!
Tonight, we enjoyed a tasty dinner in our stunning dining halls as usual – as you can imagine, there was a rush to be first in line for food! After eating, we gathered in the Trinity Hall Lecture Theatre to begin our International Quiz! Teams were assigned randomly based on their Fire and Ice origin, and we began the quiz with questions about so many cultures – everyone had a chance to contribute and join in. Shouting, cheering, laughter and yelling could be heard all the way from Latham’s Lawn! Every student was engaged and rearing to earn points for their team! Go fire and ice! After the quiz we finalised the night with notices and information for our first excursion taking place tomorrow – next up, Warwick Castle!
Written By Mel