Classes were in full swing already by this morning; we were particularly impressed by the efforts of the Maths and Engineering students with the model bridges that they created in the workshop of the Cambridge Engineering Department – there was definitely a lot of architectural flair shining through!
After class many students headed into town to enjoy the lovely summer weather, taking in the sighs of Cambridge at their best! After lunch, sporting fans took to the fields for a great game of football, whilst others relaxed and caught the sun. Meanwhile, our community outreach ambassadors met with team leader Dan to brainstorm lots of wonderful ways to fundraise for our partner charity, Sabre, who work in Ghana building and sustaining education facilities for nursery aged children and their teachers – we can’t wait to see what they thought up!
The main excitement at Reach today was the fantastic World Fair that the students put on to celebrate each of the countries that they had come from. A busy afternoon was spent in the glorious sunshine at Trinity Hall, as students prepared to teach each other new and interesting things about their home countries. Flags were painted, posters made, and national food and icons that the students had brought with them were assembled at their respective stands. Particular treats included the USA team’s paper hats, a fantastic cut out of the Hong Kong skyline, a lesson in Australian slang and a whole cake crafted in the shape of the Lebanese flag, as well as a great turn out of outfits to celebrate Canada Day from both students and staff! After a fascinating lecture about personality psychology, the World Fair kicked off, with students enjoying getting to know each other’s culture – the staff joined in too, representing England with an afternoon tea stand! Everyone had a fantastic time preparing and watching speeches and even some dancing, celebrating the exciting diversity and multiculturalism which makes Reach so special.