The defence rests their case!
It’s the middle of the first week and, having spent the initial few lessons learning the theory needed as foundation for their chosen subject, the students are now able to enjoy some more practical lessons! In the combined Law and Journalism & Media class, students had the chance to hold a mock trial debating legislation on the role of the media in our society. In Physics, our students discovered about momentum and particle physics, using the practical (& fun!) example of a pool table.
In the afternoon after lunch, students had the chance to make the most of the sunny weather with some sports on Fitzwilliam College’s playing grounds. There was a football (or soccer, as our US students call it!) match as well as some hard-fought tennis doubles – close games all round! Other students had the opportunity to express their creative sides with some watercolour painting.
After dinner in Fitzwilliam’s dining hall, one of our own supervisors, Luke, presented the evening lecture on university applications, with some practical brainstorming of how to write a personal statement. Heads filled with information, some of the students chose to clear their heads in the evening with a jog around the beautiful open area behind the college – the sunset as they returned was truly beautiful! Others spent time relaxing and playing card games on Tree Court, before retiring to their comfortable beds. Bring on tomorrow!