Excitement abounds in our first full day of the Reach Cambridge 2021 program! Students got up early for a hearty breakfast, before being taken to their very first morning classes. There was a wide variety of exciting information shared, from learning about bio-power and the responsibilities of government in Politics, to discussing energy and the solar system in Physics. The quarantining students were able to join their classes virtually, and were even able to conduct experiments from the comfort of their rooms!

Scary Instravaganza scenes by the Corpus Clock!
After class the students were taken into town for some free time to grab lunch and explore Cambridge’s beautiful city centre in the marvellous sunshine. Delicious luncheon consumed, the students met in the centre to begin one of Reach’s most famous & anticipated activities: the Reach Cambridge Instravaganza! This involves a scavenger hunt around Cambridge, where the students were split up into teams and given hints to a variety of nearby locations. The team with the best Instagram photos taken at these locations will win a prize at the end of the week. The competition was fierce! Entries can be viewed using the hashtag #ReachCambridge2021, or you can visit our Instagram where we will be sharing some of the best pics.
The students returned to Fitzwilliam College for some down-time before dinner. Afterwards, they were taken to the lecture room for the first evening lecture of Reach Cambridge 2021. Travis, the Medicine teacher, gave a lecture on Memory and the Mind, and provided the students with such great tips on memorising information that they were able to collectively recall a complete list of 16 random items! The students had some time after the lecture to chill out and play some card games together, before heading to bed in preparation for another fun-filled day tomorrow.