Every summer Reach Cambridge holds a World Fair, where students can showcase the best of their country and learn about the places their new friends call home. Read all about it from the perspective of one of our students and her supervisor.
The World Fair: A student perspective
Perhaps the most escalated showcase of national pride descended upon the halls of Cambridge at the Reach World Fair. Students were able to showcase their nation’s wonders using beautiful posters and delicious food offerings. Many countries further enlightened others of their nation’s uniqueness using presentations and national music to delineate their country’s culture.

As the stalls opened, the dedication and hard work put into the fair from each student was evident, and the excitement with which each group presented their nation soon had the whole room buzzing! Particularly worth noting were the English representatives, namely the supervisors, whose assortment of scones, jaffa cakes and other English delicacies drew in large crowds. Also on offer were croissants and baguettes from the French stall, along with a stunning map of France. The Australian stall consisted of delicious Vegemite and Tim Tams, which was very popular amongst everyone.
Well done to everyone who took the time to contribute and share their country and their culture with other students!
Meagan Atkins
The World Fair: A supervisor’s perspective
On arrival at the World Fair, the outstanding posters produced by the students were very admirable, and additionally, the welcoming atmosphere at each stall made the event very enjoyable for everyone. It was especially heart-warming to see students from all over the world communicating and sharing their different cultural experiences with each other!
During the presentations, we were able to listen to national music, whilst witnessing a very good attempt of national dancing from the Greek students. The Italian representative successfully blew away all our false Italian assumptions in that not all Italian men have moustaches! And I should mention the brilliant lecture on Zambian culture, of which I’m sure many have gained a greater understanding of the country of Zambia.
I think that the Reach World Fair 2013 event was very successful, and the proud students presented a great display of cultural highlights for everyone to see. Not only was it enjoyable for the students, but I’m sure each supervisor enjoyed the event just as much as the students!
Yuen-Man Law