The first 5 days of the Cambridge summer school has come and gone now and it seems as if the students are starting to feel truly at home in the setting of Trinity Hall College (one

of two Cambridge Colleges Reach students are staying in this July – check back soon for a post on Downing College!). They chose to congregate along the bank of the Cam and watch the passing punts in the evening as well as have picnics on Latham Lawn during the day. They all seem to have brought the weather with them as well! The international students appear to be relishing the prospect of studying within the College walls, as their lessons are mostly situated here. The SAT students and engineering students have already been on academic trips making use of the college’s central location. One aspect of Cambridge life that the students do not appreciate is the time of dinner. From cultures that are more used to eating at 10pm than 6pm it is understandably hard for them to get used to! The mornings are also confusing some of the students – baked beans for breakfast?!

My corridor demonstrates the breadth of backgrounds in that 7 nationalities are represented by just 12 students. It has been a joy to witness the relationships that have formed between people that would otherwise never have met! They are all enjoying their new found independence, and have struggled already with doing their own laundry, and budgeting their money. Truly an authentic student experience! The terrace area has become a hub of social interaction especially in the evenings with card games and chitchat.
The architecture is beautiful and it truly is a privilege to be staying in this …historic institution, which dates back to the 14th century. What an inspiring place to be studying in!