The new students have arrived! This afternoon we had our final group of 2019 students descend on Cambridge from all corners of the world. They joined the seven students who have remained with us from program 2, who were eager to help the new students get acquainted with the historic city! We look forward to finding out what this new group will bring. It has been exciting to see some of the new personalities that present already.

P3 Selfie!
One of the great things about this program is that we have expanded our ‘reach’ and once again we have students spread across three colleges: Trinity Hall, Christ’s and Downing. After a round of tours and dinners consumed across our various locations, we all came together in the Trinity Hall lecture theatre, and were introduced to Cambridge and each other.
Of course, it is not a Reach summer program without a dash of healthy competition… Our amazing Program Coordinators Zach and Jess introduced Squad Warz, where students are split into two teams, Fire and Ice. Over the next two weeks, in addition to the delightful but challenging academic courses, our students will compete to win a mystery prize and the glory of victory for their squad!
The students have a fun-filled but intense two weeks ahead of them; lessons will be learned and friendships will be formed. Stay tuned for more! If you’re on social media, don’t forget to check out our Story on
Instagram and
Facebook for daily updates, and of course, here on our daily blog. See you tomorrow!