It is the last day of the Program 3 and we are sad that the summer is drawing to a close. But the students have been enjoying another day of learning and we are ending on a high note. We hope that lots of new friends have been made, fun activities have been enjoyed, and memories have been formed that will last a lifetime.

Medicine & Life Sciences with their end-of-course certificates
Today began with the final classes, which gave the students a chance to enjoy some more academic activities and say goodbye to their teachers and classmates. The Engineering students concluded their lessons with a rocket launch, while the Psychology students presented their research projects. The final class for the Biotechnology students included a trip to the Department Of Chemical Engineering And Biotechnology where the students gave some impressive presentations in traditional Cambridge lecture style. As it was the last day of lessons, the students also received their certificates! They were very pleased, and seeing them smile made us really happy.

Presentations underway in Biotechnology
In the afternoon, the students had the unique choice of K-pop choreography or a Kahoot quiz, where everyone got to test their knowledge of locations, songs and celebrities. We all had the chance to come together for dinner with a pizza party, which included a variety of flavours to suit everybody.
As I write, we are now having great fun at DeParty, AKA the Departure Party. This is a lovely occasion, giving everybody the opportunity to enjoy their last evening at Reach and say goodbye to everyone. We have got a disco in the lecture theatre for those who want to let their hair down and enjoy some great music. For those who feel like having a more relaxing evening, we also have mocktails, fun fortune-telling, glitter tattoo stickers, and a casino and chill-out area.

DePartying hard!
This summer has been a fantastic success, and it has been so lovely to meet so many new people as well as welcoming some familiar faces. We hope that the students have enjoyed the programs as much as we have, and we would love to see some students come back to Reach next year!
Written by Lauren