Tuesday provided such an action-packed day for our Reach Cambridge students!
Once more, the students rose bright and early for classes, and were treated to a traditional full English breakfast at a local restaurant. We in England think there’s no better way to start the day. After that the students headed off to their morning supervisions. The Law students got to witness a genuine trial in Cambridge’s own Crown Court, while elsewhere in Business and Management, our budding entrepreneurs discussed Behavioural Economics.

Researching leaders for presentations!
When classes had finished, the Reach Cambridge crew walked into the city centre, where they were able to grab lunch (and do some shopping!). Post-lunch the students arrived back at Reach Hall, where they attended a workshop on leadership skills given by our very own Reach staff member – Luke. Everyone discussed the ranging qualities which make a good leader and thought about the leaders that inspired them, in preparation for their presentations on Friday about inspirational people. We can’t wait to see what they come up with!

Since it was such a warm Spring day, the students were able to head down to Jesus Green for some sports. With football, volleyball and even table tennis, there was something for everyone. After some time to dress up smartly, the students attended a Formal dinner at Christ’s College, where they ate in luxury and experienced the glory of profiteroles. Next came the students’ induction to become Reach Ambassadors – we couldn’t have asked for a better group of people to spread the word about Reach and be amazing spokespeople for the whole experience!
On that high note, students headed off to bed for a good rest before their exciting London Museums tour tomorrow. Watch this space!
Apply for Summer 2019 – £100 off per week before 30th April!
Our Spring program might be underway, but there’s still time to join us this summer instead! See
our COURSES page for further details. We are now offering an amazing discount of £100 off per week on all of our summer programs, as long as you pay your deposit before 30th April! Sign up for our newsletter in just a few seconds via
this link.
Spring 2020 Registration NOW OPEN
You can now also register your interest for SPRING 2020 by emailing us at