Another busy day here at the Reach Cambridge Spring Program!

This morning saw the students experience an introduction to computer science. As well as some hardcore science, the students also played some old school computer games to help them think about the origins of computer science. There was a heated atmosphere in the Politics and International Relations class this morning as the students debated the role of social media in the world today. The points were well reasoned and powerful, and it was made all the better by having the student’s perspectives being informed by their different experiences of politics in their home countries.
The excitement continued in the afternoon with a workshop on presentations and public speaking with Precious. After dissecting some of the best presentations and speeches of all time, from Martin Luther King Jr, to Steve Jobs and Chimamanda Ngozi Adichie, the students now have the skills they need to give their own presentations. The students have until tomorrow to prepare their own speech to present to the group, if the preparation is anything to go by we are in for a wonderful treat on a wide range of topics.
After an intense day of learning, it was time for some free time, so the students were taken to town to explore the shops and restaurants of Cambridge. Many souvenirs were purchased and popular eating hotspots of Cambridge were visited. Refreshed and ready, the students then engaged in a lecture on Social Stereotyping from a current researcher at the University of Cambridge. There was just enough time left before curfew for some last-minute preparations for their presentations tomorrow morning. Tomorrow will be an exciting, but emotional day for our students as it marks the last day of workshops for those leaving us after the first week.
Stay tuned for an update on the presentations and the celebrations tomorrow!