We were delighted to receive this wonderful message from Zazu, from Indonesia (Class of 2017). We couldn’t be happier to hear the difference that attending Reach Cambridge summer program made to Zazu, from a social, academic and personal perspective.
Hello! I am Zazu Setjodipoetro (Fairuza Mayang Kinasih) from Indonesia. I went to Reach Cambridge during the summer of 2017. When my father asked if I was sure that I wanted to join Reach Cambridge, I’m still glad to this day that I said “Yes, I am positive.” Honestly it was the best decision I’ve ever made in my entire life!

Zazu and her ‘Drama Llamas’!
I chose English Literature and Performing Arts as my course and to this day I’m still inspired by the lessons learned from my teachers and supervisors at Reach Cambridge. I love my drama llamas (my English literature and performing arts family at Reach) and I still keep in touch with them to this day. I loved every second of Reach Cambridge and I am planning to make a comeback when I’m done with high school!
Coming to Reach Cambridge with three of my school friends strengthened our bond

Zazu with her school friends
Coming to Cambridge for the first time was such a dream. Even though I once lived in England, I had never been to Cambridge and going there for summer school and meeting new people from all over the world was the best way to enjoy Cambridge for the first time. I came to Cambridge with three of my Indonesian friends (we went to the same school), and Reach Cambridge has helped us strengthen our bond as friends and I am truly thankful for it. We’re off to college soon and we will remember all the memories we made at Reach Cambridge.
Reach helped me to see myself in a whole new perspective
I would like to thank Reach Cambridge for all the memories and lessons and simply everything. I’ve suffered from depression for a long time and Reach Cambridge has helped me to love myself and see myself in a whole new different perspective. I met my best friend, Melek from Turkey, and she’s the loveliest thing ever! Thank you Reach Cambridge for that! During my time at Reach, I also found out that I had talent in writing poems and fiction and I never thought that I would be publishing my own book of poems, so thank you again Reach Cambridge! I improved myself significantly when I was at Reach and for the first time ever, I was proud of myself and I can never thank the Reach Cambridge family enough for that.
I remember how scared I was before arriving in Cambridge. Now looking back, I wish I could tell myself back then:
“Hey, Zazu, don’t worry! You’ll have the greatest time of your life! And you’ll meet a lot of amazing and inspiring people. Have courage and enjoy!”

Zazu (R) and her best friend Melek, who met at Reach
The Reach Cambridge team inspire me every day to be a better person and do great things for everyone and myself.