Most nights at Reach Cambridge include a great interactive evening lecture on a wide range of topics ranging from from climate change to a day in the life of a pilot, and from learning about Free Schools to thinking about why we laugh! The aim is to have a variety of subjects so as to meet everybody’s interests and give everyone an opportunity to learn about topics they may not necessarily hear about otherwise. The series of lectures also include more practical matters such as interview skills and University applications.

Students enjoying an interesting evening lecture
The speakers for the lectures include both guests from external organisations (one lecture was about the Sabre Charity which Reach has a very close relationship with) and also speakers from within the Reach Cambridge Staff – for instance one of the senior staff members studied Music at Cambridge and gave a very entertaining lecture on the history of British Music from the 60’s until present day.
Each lecture aims to broaden the student’s minds in a fun and interesting way and gives them the chance to think about various issues in ways they might not have before. The lectures last for about an hour with time for a question and answer session at the end.
Prepare to be inspired!