Engineering in the wild
Today marked the start of the Reach Programme Running club. Led by senior member of staff David, a significant number of our students opted for an early start, exercise and some fresh air. The subsequent breakfast was especially well-deserved and they approached the morning with fresh minds.
Classes continued this morning, and the students have really settled into the rhythm of the program. However, there is never a dull day on our programs, and some teachers took advantage of the incredibly wonderful weather and conducted part of their lessons outside. We love seeing our students interested and engaged in their lessons, and we really value the teachers who continue to adapt their methods to suit the needs of the students.
After classes, students were led to Jesus Green where they had a picnic and were introduced to a quintessentially Cambridge experience: punting!! Whilst there were varying degrees of success in the keeping the boats straight, fun was had by all.The students and members of the public, enjoyed views of Cambridge that are best enjoyed by boat and our

Wonderful art
Dinner was followed by the stellar lecture by two of our very own staff members Amy and Kate, who presented on Women in Leadership. Our lecture series aims to challenge and inspire our students and our lecturers managed to do this with their knowledge of this particular topic.
The day was rounded off by the Summer School Disco in the evening, which students really seemed to enjoy. All of the summer schools in Cambridge attend the disco and it is a great time for the students to let off some steam and dance the evening away. Our supervisors were by far the best dressed and the most visible in their orange t-shirts on the dance floor. Other opted for a quieter evening of sketching at Trinity Hall and the talent bar was incredibly high. Our students continue to amaze us with their many hidden talents and we look forward to uncovering more of them over the next couple of weeks.