QUICK! Final places remaining for summer 2024! APPLY NOW
QUICK! Final places remaining for summer 2024! APPLY NOW
QUICK! Final places remaining for summer 2024! APPLY NOW

Spring 2018: Day 5

This morning was our final morning of subject classes for this week. Highlights included Emergency Medicine in the Life Science and Medicine class – students were taught how to assess a casualty and practised bandages and basic first aid principles. In Psychology, they looked at cognitive psychology and its methods through the study of brain disorders, and in Maths they studied number theory. Students then had tasty baked ‘jacket’ potatoes with their choice of filling in Reach Hall before their afternoon Community Outreach session. Luke, a long-standing member of the Reach team, spent the afternoon highlighting ‘forgotten people’ in our communities and encouraging the students to think about what tools they have to achieve social change in today’s society.   After this, students walked into town and had time to buy souvenirs and play sports in the mild weather. Students then sampled the local food offerings in the city centre before heading back to Reach Hall for their evening workshop. Tonight’s workshop was on study and revisions skills, with a focus on practical tips and hints, as well as thinking about how we can apply these theories to university and beyond. The evening was rounded off with some card games and sketching in the lounge, and then time for bed before our final full day tomorrow of week one – it’s gone by so quickly!  

Apply for Summer 2018 – Save up to £300 

From now until 11.59pm on 9th April, you will save £300 when you apply and pay your deposit for Program 1, running 1st – 21st July.  See our COURSES page for further details. For more information about what the course involves, keep a weather eye on our blog and newsletter – you can sign up for our newsletter in just a few seconds via this link.

Spring 2019 Registration NOW OPEN

You can now also register your interest for SPRING 2019 by emailing us at info@reachcambridge.com.