So it’s the time of year when everyone is smiling as the sun is shining in the UK, there are lambs in the fields and baby chicks waddling around and people are firing up the BBQ a bit too eagerly in case the rain comes again! It’s officially spring time in the UK.

Downing College, Cambridge
It’s customary over spring time to celebrate new life. The more traditional people give seeds to plant as new life, whereas the more ambitious amongst us might think it’s a good idea to give a baby chick to a younger cousin, until it gets stuck inside the DVD player. Lately though, it seems that the most common present is the less risky chocolate egg, guaranteed to contain your favourite confectionary and make you feel ever so slightly sick by the end of the day.
Whatever gift or greeting you give or receive this Easter or spring break have a wonderful time and heed these three pieces of advice: 1. Don’t eat all the chocolate at once 2. Recycle the numerous packaging of chocolate eggs and 3. Don’t put any live animals near the DVD player.