Whilst the weather started off rainy today, by mid-morning it was blazing sunshine in Cambridge and we were all ready to start another jam-packed day at Reach! In class, the students experienced the usual wide variety of lessons and experiences. In Medical Sciences the students learnt about sport chemistry, the psychology students studied language and speech, whilst in English literature the students went on a trip to the Fitzwilliam museum and later learnt about experimental poetry. It’s always so great to see the students get involved in new subjects and dive into unexpected topic areas!

After morning class, all the students had a chance to try punting! The students were taken by punt guides along the ‘backs’ – the river that runs past many of the famous colleges and Cambridge sights. The river is the best way to experience the beautiful views that Cambridge offers, and the tour guides were full of new information about the sights. Punting wasn’t the only activity on offer today, students also had another chance to participate in sport and shake their legs out after a day of class.
Following the charity auction, groups of students have been fulfilling their auction promises. Today, two groups of students went on college tours to King’s and Jesus with supervisors who had graduated from those colleges. The students were able to go into areas of the colleges not usually available to the public, and there were plenty of photos taken outside the King’s chapel!

This evening, the Reach talent show was a huge success! Students showed off their incredible talents, including beatboxing, dancing, magic tricks, and musical performances! Students from Bina Bangsa performed a group dance and many students wowed us with their beautiful singing voices. A highlight was supervisor Zach’s incredible performance on the electric violin! We were so happy to see all the students performing and supporting each other. As the talent show ended, we all felt the need to get a good night’s sleep before the academic excursions tomorrow …