It seems just a blink of the eye ago that we were welcoming our first cohort of students to their college accommodation. Yet, here we are: it’s Program 3, our final program of the summer, and boy are we excited!

Program Coordinator Tim (who is nearly as tall as our sign)
As usual, the day started particularly early for some.
Teams Heathrow and Gatwick left Cambridge in the small hours of the morning to meet students at their respective terminals, whereas
Teams Downing and Trinity Hall remained behind to welcome those travelling independently or with their parents, as well as the groups from the airport when their coach arrived. As soon as our students were shown to their rooms and settled in, there were snacks, games and plenty of getting-to-know-you chat.

Tours are underway
Throughout the day were a series of orientation tours around the college and Cambridge city itself, as is customary on Arrivals Day. The real treat for us – and the new students – was that some of these orientation tours were led by our very own ‘Combo students’, i.e. those students from Program 2 staying on for Program 3. It was so lovely to see these students putting the public speaking and group management skills they learned during the Leader program into action. It was also a great chance for the students to all bond on a new level. We’re very proud of our students for taking on the welcoming ethos of Reach Cambridge which they themselves received and extending it to our new arrivals. The supervisors accompanying the tours were thrilled to see friendships being formed already!
After group dinner in
Trinity Hall, students gathered in the Lecture Theatre for a brief
welcome talk, led by Program Director, David. They were then introduced to their
supervisors and escorted back to college to settle into their corridors. Then an early night is in order, as the students will want to look their best for the Reach photo tomorrow morning!
@ReachCambridge on Instagram!
A little reminder for those of you new to the #ReachCambridge2017 daily blog: many of the pictures and videos we use on here are seen first by our
Instagram followers! If you are on Instagram and would like to keep updated, search ‘Reach Cambridge’ and follow our Story for real-time updates, fun videos and behind-the-scenes knowledge during the program! The students will also have the change to participate in our Instagram photography competition; to see their entries and obtain a real feel for what a student experience is like here at Reach, Instagram search: #ReachCambridge2017! We’ll be reposting our favourites too.
Today’s Video…
~by Rosalind, Summer Marketing Coordinator & member of Senior Staff team