Why visit other universities when I have the opportunity to see so much of Cambridge?
Whilst Cambridge offers many subjects and opportunities, it does not offer them all, and visiting other universities may draw your attention to a subject that you have never even heard of before. For example, did you know that you can study Aeronautical Engineering at Imperial? Many didn’t before they visited!
Imperial College London
photo credit: Binayak Dasgupta (available under CC licence 2.0)
If I don’t want to apply to university in England, what’s the point of going on University Advance?
Applying for university in England is not a prerequisite for signing up to University Advance. As well as giving students a broad sense of university life, the trips allow individuals to find out more about subjects that interest them and to ask any questions about applying for those subjects.Won’t I miss a lot of lessons if I go on the trips?
Each visit to London and Oxford lasts a day. Teachers at Reach Cambridge readily accommodate for this and ensure to catch up any students that have opted for University Advance. So what are your waiting for? Apply today, and don’t forget to check the ‘University Advance’ add-on when you make your application!
University Advance students outside the Bodleian library in Oxford